The Parish Council

The Parish Council

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council is an apolitical, independent, local democratic unit.

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Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has now completed all phases of its production and the final ‘made’ version can be viewed by clicking here

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What’s On

What’s On

Regular Events are held at Tiverton Village Hall and St Judes Church Hall, as well as St Judes Church and Tiverton Methodist Hall. The programme of events can be seen by clicking here.

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Latest News

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council and the surrounding areas

Cheshire Community Action – Mental Health Survey

Posted by Ray Mould on 23 Nov 2021

Cheshire Community Action is a local charity carrying out research on the mental health needs of rural communities. If you would like to take part in a quick 5 minute survey, please click here for further...

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Hockey Club Lighting Upgrades

Posted by Asheesh Sharma on 18 Oct 2021

The Deeside Hockey Club are undergoing some lighting upgrades from 18th October for about 4 days. We have been informed that some long-term maintenance is needed to the floodlights around the main pitch. Deeside Hockey Club have said the current metal halide based...

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New Kitchen Coffee Morning

Posted by Parish Clerk on 19 Aug 2021

On 4th September there will be a coffee morning at St Jude’s Church Hall to raise money for the new kitchen fund, details here: coffee morning flyer

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A51 Closure at Wardle

Posted by Parish Clerk on 19 Aug 2021

From 30th August the A51 at Wardle will be closed for around 16 weeks for a major repair to be completed.  Details of the 2 diversions, 1 for HGV’s and 1 for other vehicles are detailed here: traffic order...

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Parish Council Meeting Monday 19th July

Posted by Parish Clerk on 15 Jul 2021

The next meeting of Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council is on Monday 19th July at 7.30 and will be held in Tiverton Village Hall. (See agenda on Parish Council pages) COVID protocols will be followed – seating will be spaced, windows open and hand...

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Safety for Kids

Posted by Ray Mould on 19 Mar 2021

To anyone with kids old enough to have their own mobile phone there is an App that could help reassure both them and their parents. Click here for more details.

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