The Parish Council

The Parish Council

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council is an apolitical, independent, local democratic unit.

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Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has now completed all phases of its production and the final ‘made’ version can be viewed by clicking here

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What’s On

What’s On

Regular Events are held at Tiverton Village Hall and St Judes Church Hall, as well as St Judes Church and Tiverton Methodist Hall. The programme of events can be seen by clicking here.

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Latest News

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council and the surrounding areas

St Jude’s Coffee Morning

Posted by Ray Mould on 20 Feb 2022

A coffee morning is being held at St Jude’s Church Hall on Saturday 2nd April at 10:00 – !2:00 with proceeds going towards a new kitchen for the Church Hall. Click here for more...

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Green Waste Collection Subscription

Posted by Parish Clerk on 10 Feb 2022

Along with the general waste and recycling Cheshire West Council is also changing the way that the Green (Garden) Waste is collected. It will cost £40 for the collections to be made and you can subscribe before collections begin in March.  Further information can be...

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New Waste Recycling Service

Posted by Parish Clerk on 2 Feb 2022

Cheshire West and Chester Council is beginning the roll-out of the new waste recycling system.  Residents will receive an advance notice and then a couple of weeks later an information pack and the new bins.  This will be by “rounds” so everyone may not...

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Green Homes Grant

Posted by Parish Clerk on 24 Jan 2022

Cheshire West and Chester Council is currently accepting applications to it’s Green Homes Grant scheme.  Grants are fully funded with no contribution required from homeowners.  See further information about eligibility and how to apply...

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PC Meeting 7.30 pm11th Jan

Posted by Parish Clerk on 11 Jan 2022

Due to Covid the majority of items on tonight’s PC meeting agenda have been deferred to the meeting on Tuesday 8th March.  The only item that will be discussed will be finance to approve the setting of the budget and Precept for 2022/2023 and it is anticipated...

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Xmas Waste Collection Dates

Posted by Parish Clerk on 2 Dec 2021

Cheshire West and Chester Council have issued the dates for Waste Collections over the Christmas and New Year Period and also included some handy tips for minimising food waste. Here – RECYCLING...

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