The Parish Council

The Parish Council

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council is an apolitical, independent, local democratic unit.

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Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has now completed all phases of its production and the final ‘made’ version can be viewed by clicking here

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What’s On

What’s On

Regular Events are held at Tiverton Village Hall and St Judes Church Hall, as well as St Judes Church and Tiverton Methodist Hall. The programme of events can be seen by clicking here.

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Latest News

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council and the surrounding areas

Hot Weather Warning

Posted by Parish Clerk on 12 Jul 2022

The Met Office has issued a Hot Weather Warning for large parts of England for the end of the week and the weekend.  Cheshire Association of Local Councils has sent details about the warning, a link to the weather forecast and information about how to cope in very hot...

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Updated Surface Dressing Programme

Posted by Parish Clerk on 28 Jun 2022

The Parish Council has received an updated Surface Dressing Programme from CW&C Highways amending the dates that works will take place.  Details of the changes can be viewed...

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Road Closure Birch Heath Road

Posted by Parish Clerk on 28 Jun 2022

The Parish Council has received notice that Birch Heath Road will be closed from 5th July for utilities works to be carried out.  Although the notice is for a maximum of 5 days it is expected that the works will only take one day.  Details of the closure and diversion...

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Road Surface Dressing Programme

Posted by Parish Clerk on 26 Jun 2022

The Parish Council has received notification from Cheshire West and Chester Highways of a programme for surface dressing various roads across the Borough throughout this Summer. Details of the road closures, which include parts of the A49 and A51, and the proposed...

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Vyrnwy Aqueduct Maintenance Works

Posted by Parish Clerk on 26 Jun 2022

The Parish Council has received an update from United Utilities on the proposed works to the Vyrnwy Aqueduct which will take place later this year and next year.  The update can be found HERE and contains a link which you can follow for more detailed information about...

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Parish Council Accounts

Posted by Parish Clerk on 20 Jun 2022

Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council has published its un-audited accounts on the financial page of this website.  Members of the public have an opportunity to view the accounts if they wish.  Details of how to contact the Clerk to do that and the dates...

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