The Parish Council

The Parish Council

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council is an apolitical, independent, local democratic unit.

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Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has now completed all phases of its production and the final ‘made’ version can be viewed by clicking here

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What’s On

What’s On

Regular Events are held at Tiverton Village Hall and St Judes Church Hall, as well as St Judes Church and Tiverton Methodist Hall. The programme of events can be seen by clicking here.

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Latest News

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council and the surrounding areas

New Water Main on Huxley Lane

Posted by Ray Mould on 28 Nov 2019

The work on the replacement water main on Huxley Lane is progressing, but due to adverse weather conditions and some unexpected issues it is likely to take longer than 8 weeks. Rather than being completed by the end of November as originally hoped, the work is likely...

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Welcome to our new Parish Councillor

Posted by Ray Mould on 3 Oct 2019

I am pleased to say that Louise Law who lives in Tiverton and is on the committee of Tiverton Village Society has been co-opted onto the Council.  We very much welcome this as a way of bringing closer cooperation between the Village Society and the Parish Council it...

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The Horse Chestnut Tree

Posted by Ray Mould on 16 Aug 2019

Sadly the Horse Chestnut Tree on Smithy Green (corner of the A49 and Huxley Lane) was taken down on Thursday 15th August.  The tree was planted in 1935 to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George V and Queen Mary. In recent years it had been diagnosed with Bleeding...

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Parish Council Vacancies

Posted by Ray Mould on 19 May 2019

Two of our long standing councillors decided not to put themselves forward for re-election in May and as a result we have vacancies for two Parish Councillors. The Parish Council meets six times a year and beyond this you can choose to be involved as much or as little...

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Notice of Uncontested Election 2019

Posted by Ray Mould on 11 Apr 2019

Notice of Uncontested Election 2019

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Statement of persons nominated 2019

Posted by Ray Mould on 6 Apr 2019

Statement of persons nominated 2019

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