The Parish Council

The Parish Council

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council is an apolitical, independent, local democratic unit.

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Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has now completed all phases of its production and the final ‘made’ version can be viewed by clicking here

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What’s On

What’s On

Regular Events are held at Tiverton Village Hall and St Judes Church Hall, as well as St Judes Church and Tiverton Methodist Hall. The programme of events can be seen by clicking here.

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Latest News

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council and the surrounding areas

Go online – try something new.

Posted by Ray Mould on 19 Oct 2020

As part of Get Online Week (19 – 25 October) Cheshire West’s Age-Friendly Digital Inclusion group are providing a whole day of online activities to help older residents increase their digital confidence Click here for more...

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Covid-19 Cases by Ward

Posted by Ray Mould on 2 Oct 2020

Cheshire West & Cheshire have produced an informative website that gives the rates of Covid-19 infection by Ward: Click here Don’t forget Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall are in Tattenhall Ward – not...

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OPAL Volunteers Required

Posted by Ray Mould on 17 Aug 2020

OPAL provides a range of services for older people in rural west Cheshire and are urgently looking for new Volunteers. Click here  for more...

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Winners of Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Scarecrow Competiition 2020

Posted by Ray Mould on 10 Aug 2020

We had a fantastic response to the inaugural Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Scarecrow Competition with 18 entrants from Beeston Brook, Tiverton (centre), Hand Green and Brassey Green. Thank you to everyone who took part. I am sure you had fun building the...

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Recycling Centres & Green Bin Collection

Posted by Ray Mould on 11 Jun 2020

The forttnightly Green Bin collection started up again on Thursday 4th June and the Tattenhall Recycling Centre opened up on Monday 8th June on its usual summer opening hours, April to September: Monday 9am — 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday closed Thursday and Friday 9am —...

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Bunbury Parochial Charity

Posted by Ray Mould on 11 Jun 2020

The Trustees of Bunbury Parochial Charities are inviting applications for a limited number of grants, which will be awarded once a year in December, from residents in a number of Parishes, including Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall. Click here for more...

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