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Hot Weather Warning

Posted by on 12:21 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Hot Weather Warning

The Met Office has issued a Hot Weather Warning for large parts of England for the end of the week and the weekend.  Cheshire Association of Local Councils has sent details about the warning, a link to the weather forecast and information about how to cope in very hot weather: Here

Updated Surface Dressing Programme

Posted by on 12:11 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Updated Surface Dressing Programme

The Parish Council has received an updated Surface Dressing Programme from CW&C Highways amending the dates that works will take place.  Details of the changes can be viewed Here

Road Closure Birch Heath Road

Posted by on 12:02 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Road Closure Birch Heath Road

The Parish Council has received notice that Birch Heath Road will be closed from 5th July for utilities works to be carried out.  Although the notice is for a maximum of 5 days it is expected that the works will only take one day.  Details of the closure and diversion route can be found Here

Road Surface Dressing Programme

Posted by on 6:43 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Road Surface Dressing Programme

The Parish Council has received notification from Cheshire West and Chester Highways of a programme for surface dressing various roads across the Borough throughout this Summer. Details of the road closures, which include parts of the A49 and A51, and the proposed dates are attached Here