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Local Council Elections

Posted by on 11:06 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Local Council Elections

Have you ever wondered what a Parish Council does?  Do you know what the role of a Parish Councillor is?  Do you have a couple of hours to spare each month and would like to be more involved in your community?

Local elections are due to be held on Thursday 4th May and Cheshire West and Chester Council are holding information sessions for potential Parish Councillors.

If you would like to more about what the role entails have a chat with a current Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Parish Councillor or book onto one of the sessions Here

Green BIn Collection 2023

Posted by on 6:25 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Green BIn Collection 2023

Now is the time to apply to have your garden waste collected.  Details from Cheshire West and Chester Council are available Here

Vyrnwy Aqueduct Community Drop In’s

Posted by on 5:30 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Vyrnwy Aqueduct Community Drop In’s

United Utilities are holding a series of drop-in events to update communities about the works they are doing to the Vyrnwy Aqueduct.  Details of where these will be held can be found on the following Poster

Accessing Cheshire West & Cheshire Services

Posted by on 11:28 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Accessing Cheshire West & Cheshire Services

Cheshire West and Chester Council has issued details of how to contact them to access services.  Information can be found on the flyer Here