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Notice of Public Rights

Posted by on 10:22 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Notice of Public Rights

Residents have the right to view the audited accounts of the Parish Council.  The Annual Governance and Accountability Documents will be in the financial section of the website.  But if any parishioner wishes to view any other year end documents, details of how to do so are available Here

Invitation To Apply For Grants

Posted by on 10:36 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Invitation To Apply For Grants

The Trustees of Bunbury Parochial Charities invite applications for grants from residents and organisations in the Parish.  Further information about the charity and how to apply can be found Here

Notice of Election – Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall

Posted by on 8:07 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Notice of Election – Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall

There will be all-out elections in Cheshire West and Chester Borough on Thursday 4th May 2023 including Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council.  If you have a couple of spare hours a month and would like to get involved in your community please contact the Parish Council Clerk for a nomination pack.  Further information about the elections can be found  HERE

Photo ID required to vote

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At the forthcoming local elections on Thursday 4th May people will be required to provide photo ID in order to vote.  There is a list of permitted ID documents and if you don’t have one of those listed you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.  The deadline for this  is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023     Here