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Notice of Uncontested Election 2019

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Notice of Uncontested Election 2019

Statement of persons nominated 2019

Posted by on 12:34 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Statement of persons nominated 2019

Statement of persons nominated 2019

Parish Councillor Election 2019

Posted by on 9:13 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Parish Councillor Election 2019

Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Parish Councillor Election Notice


Red Fox Junction Update

Posted by on 10:42 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Red Fox Junction Update

Work on re configuring the junction is scheduled to commence on 11th March and will last for about 4 weeks. There will be a noticeable impact at the junction itself with a number of (mainly) night road closures. Full details can be found in The Parish Council/Public Notices part of the website.