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Road Closure – Pudding Lane

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The Parish Council has received notification from CW&C Highways that Pudding Lane will be closed from 1st February for a maximum of 5 days for jetting works to be carried out.  Further information and details of diversion routes can be found Here

Parish Council Casual Vacancy

Posted by on 12:58 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Parish Council Casual Vacancy

A Casual Vacancy has been declared on the Parish Council.  Residents have 14 days from the date of the notice to call an election.  If you require the forms to do this please contact the Clerk (Carol Spencer, MBE) via  If no election is called the Parish Council can co-opt someone to the role.  If you have a couple of hours every other month and are interested in helping your community please apply by emailing the Clerk.  Further details can be found here

Parish Council Vacancies

Posted by on 12:35 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Parish Council Vacancies

Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council currently has four vacancies.  Being a Parish Councillor is not onerous; Council meets 6 times a year for around 2 to 2.5 hours.  But Cllrs do fulfill an important role in the community working with the Local Authority on things such as Planning applications, highways, footway and footpath issues and being consulted on policy matters.  If you have a couple of hours to spare and would like to be more involved in your community please contact the Clerk or a Cllr for how to apply.  Notice about the vacancies can be found on the attached Parish Vacancy Notice

Road Closure – Tattenhall Lane

Posted by on 1:58 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Road Closure – Tattenhall Lane

The Parish Council has received notification that Tattenhall Lane will be closed on Friday 14th July for just 1 day.  Further information and diversion routes can be found Here