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Go online – try something new.

Posted by on 7:38 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Go online – try something new.

As part of Get Online Week (19 – 25 October) Cheshire West’s Age-Friendly Digital Inclusion group are providing a whole day of online activities to help older residents increase their digital confidence

Click here for more information.

Covid-19 Cases by Ward

Posted by on 2:40 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Covid-19 Cases by Ward

Cheshire West & Cheshire have produced an informative website that gives the rates of Covid-19 infection by Ward:

Click here

Don’t forget Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall are in Tattenhall Ward – not Tarporley!

OPAL Volunteers Required

Posted by on 8:39 am in Latest News | Comments Off on OPAL Volunteers Required

OPAL provides a range of services for older people in rural west Cheshire and are urgently looking for new Volunteers. Click here  for more information.

Winners of Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Scarecrow Competiition 2020

Posted by on 5:08 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Winners of Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Scarecrow Competiition 2020

We had a fantastic response to the inaugural Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Scarecrow Competition with 18 entrants from Beeston Brook, Tiverton (centre), Hand Green and Brassey Green. Thank you to everyone who took part. I am sure you had fun building the scarecrows and I know that it gave everyone a smile as they saw them in all their glory. Congratulations to the winners – a full list can be found by clicking here

Photographs of all the scarecrows can be found on the Village Society page on this website.