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Safety for Kids

Posted by on 11:02 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Safety for Kids

To anyone with kids old enough to have their own mobile phone there is an App that could help reassure both them and their parents. Click here for more details.

Parish Council Casual Vacancy

Posted by on 1:39 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on Parish Council Casual Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen on Tiverton & TIlstone Fearnall Parish Council.  It would be lovely to have a resident from Tilstone Fearnall as that part of the Parish is under-represented but application from any part of the Parish will be considered. Here

HWRC Opening Times

Posted by on 1:22 pm in Latest News | Comments Off on HWRC Opening Times

Due to high demand CW&C have extended the opening hours at some Household Waste Recycling Centres.  Here

Huxley CE Primary School Saved

Posted by on 10:57 am in Latest News | Comments Off on Huxley CE Primary School Saved

The plan to save Huxley CE Primary School has succeeded. Click here to see the 26 Februar y Press Release.