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Parish Council Vacancies

Posted by on 25 Jul 2023 in Latest News

Tiverton & Tilstone Fearnall Parish Council currently has four vacancies.  Being a Parish Councillor is not onerous; Council meets 6 times a year for around 2 to 2.5 hours.  But Cllrs do fulfill an...

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Notice of Public Rights

Posted by on 1 Jun 2023 in Latest News

Residents have the right to view the audited accounts of the Parish Council.  The Annual Governance and Accountability Documents will be in the financial section of the website.  But if any parishioner wishes...

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Photo ID required to vote

Posted by on 2 Mar 2023 in Latest News

At the forthcoming local elections on Thursday 4th May people will be required to provide photo ID in order to vote.  There is a list of permitted ID documents and if you don’t have one of those listed...

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